Is Bidenomics Working?

Great video below, and is Bidenomics working?

This is an edited comment I made on this video below.

In the video, Michael Bordenaro probably needed to explain how the FED is a private banking cabal, and not part of our gooberment.

The bottom line is that they have been running a huge Ponzie scheme on all of us and it now coming to a breaking point.

The golden times he speaks of all fake to not lose their power. Welfare is huge, and it’s only going to get worse with the invasion.

It’s clear that they do not care for Americans. The middle class and small business owner’s are getting screwed up the….well you know. This is not a new trend.

Healthy economies have ebb’s and flows, that is a fact, America’s business is war and welfare. Highs and lows create opportunity, our current economic situation is death and destruction, and we are paying for it.

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Work from Home Jobs

Work from Home Jobs have become increasingly popular. The video below gives 11 websites that pay daily?

Watch the video, and then read about these jobs below. Most of these jobs I have tried already and I explain my experience with these work from home jobs below the video.

I am going to go through these work from home jobs or side hustles in the order that she talks about them. There is a couple I do not know about, so I will not comment on those jobs, however I will note a common tactic that is used at the end of the article. I will say this much now, beware of data collection tactics.

Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping does not pay well at all, by the time you go do the shop and spend time there completing the task, file the report , and wait for acceptance of the report you have a few hours invested plus gas or trip money you will be making only a couple dollars an hour. You also must wait for your money (15-60 days) depending on the pay cycle and company. I know this from experience. The most I ever made in a week was a little over 90 bucks, then had to wait to get paid. If you can do a few every week, you will be able to see a weekly pay in about 30-45 days, by then you are disgusted spending time and money and no pay or reimbursements if you are required to make a purchase.


I have been a member of UpWork about 6 years and, never got any work from them. Fivver is pretty much the same, and same results. I am a formally educated Professional Writer and and a member of the IAPWE | International Association of Professional Writers & Editors.

The competition is fierce when it comes to writing. There are those in other countries that will write for pennies, they don’t need to make the kind of money that Americans need to survive, let alone make a decent living. It’s only going to get worse as automation makes it easier for the uneducated.

Handy or Angi

Handy is now Angi. I have made money from that app because I am skilled in home repair, and the money was not bad. Now they don’t have much work, and the pay is not worth the drive to some jobs.

When it comes to some of these work from home jobs or side hustles, you will be required to sign up for different things. They are making money off your information. Please allow me to explain. They pay you a few pennies to sign up and try an app or site. Your information like name, address, email, and phone number are collected and organized by demographics and other factors. This data is used to market to you and others. It’s complicated but every app you install on your phone is collecting information. Basically you are selling your information for pennies. This is an old hack used by marketing companies to collect data on the things you buy.

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How to File a Complaint as an Employee

Are you dissatisfied at work? Learn how to file a complaint as an employee, and what effect it can have on you as an employee

Recently I came across a post on LinkedIn about this very topic. The original post was created by Kelly Harrell a Marketing Strategy Specialist at Cox Media.

Kelly’s Original Post:

Ever heard the adage “don’t burn your bridges”? This especially applies to badmouthing a former employer. It only makes YOU look bad and other potential employers notice it. Never mind you’re eliminating the possibility of becoming a “boomerang” employee to that employer should they change their leadership/culture. Look it up – boomeranging happens much more than you think! The best advice is: if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

We are living an a social media age where as disgruntled people want to take to social media to complain about everything. Kelly is right, it can do you more harm than good. It can make you feel better at the moment, but it can come back to bite you.

For the most part the comments on this topic were in agreement with her, but there are some that are triggered and feel entitled to post negative reviews. I know, I have experienced it myself from a couple people that were triggered by something I may have said in a comment.

I do not know who these people are or what I may have posted that triggered them to look me up and write a bad review on Google. I am thinking it may have been a political post I made on one of my personal accounts.

Here is an example of one of the comments on this post. I won’t divulge (He/Him They/Them) name because I respect (He/Him They/Them) privacy,

(He/Him They/Them) Comment: “If an employer abuses its employees, they deserve to be called out in a public way. I love that gen z, particularly, does this constantly. You’ve got to get loud to change entrenched systems of abuse.”

There is a lot I can say about that to include the use of pronouns. That tells me right off that (He/Him They/Them) has no concept of proper grammar, but that’s a topic for another day.

One of the first things employers do when considering a candidate for for a position is check their Social Media accounts. If you appear to be a negative person with a lot of complaining posted, it will look bad on you as Kelly pointed out.

Proper Way to Take Action With Complaints

This is my take on how to make a proper complaint. If you do it the right way it will not look bad on you, and just might actually resolve the issue.

If you are unhappy, or you feel you are being abused in some way take the proper steps.

#1: Keep your mouth shut and collect evidence of the abuse such as video or recorded conversations. Collect any documents you may need like testimonies or proof of misconduct.

#2: Go through the proper channels to file complaints with proper documentation. If that does not work there are other sources that you can use to include legal resources.

#3: Be sure you have your ducks in a row and take a good look at yourself. Ask yourself, what did I do wrong? How did I react? Is there anything that can be used against me?

#4: Just move on, At some point if the issue is not resolved, just move on and forget it. I know it’s hard at times, but you will be the bigger person for it and bad employers or managers usually end up getting discovered. Companies take note of issues accumulated over time and start to look at reasons why they cannot retain good employees.

Article by Randy Baith

Please leave any comments below, all are welcome.

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Workplace Abuse Types

Workplace abuse is behavior that causes workers emotional or physical harm. Harassment, discrimination, bullying and violence are forms of workplace abuse.

These behaviors aren’t always distinguishable from one another because they frequently overlap. Harassment can be discriminatory. Bullying can be a form of harassment, and any of these behaviors can lead to workplace violence.

Workplace Discrimination

Discriminatory behavior treats workers unfairly on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age or genetic information. Discrimination is prohibited by federal and state laws.

Unfair actions include harassment, retaliation, denying employment opportunities, and making decisions that adversely affect people in these categories. Anti-discrimination laws cover all areas of employment, ranging from hiring and firing, to pay, disability leave, training and layoffs.

Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying ranges from isolating to verbally threatening fellow workers. Bullies can cause anxiety, depression, fear and post-traumatic disorder symptoms in their victims.

A person who threatens a coworker with physical harm is considered a typical bully. However, the supervisor who regularly demeans an employee or threatens to fire him also is a bully.

Bullies sometimes ignore their victims to make them feel nonexistent. Bullies also use other tactics to humiliate their victims, such as gossiping and spreading lies about them or sabotaging their work.

Workplace Violence

The federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration defines workplace violence as an act or threat of physical harm against another person at the work site. Abusers might physically assault their victims or use verbal abuse to intimidate them.

Workplace violence can lead to homicide, which is the fourth leading cause of occupational injuries in the U.S., according to OSHA. The agency also reports that violence leading to homicide takes the lives of women in the workplace more than any other cause.

Factors that put workers at risk for violence include working alone, at night or in isolated areas. Cashiers and others who exchange money with the public also are at high risk for violence. Law enforcement agents, delivery drivers, health care workers and public and customer service personnel are routinely victims.

Workplace Harassment

Harassment consists of actions or comments that a worker finds offensive. The worker doesn’t have to be the harasser’s target; he can be a third party who hears or witnesses the behavior.

According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, harassment becomes unlawful when it’s so severe that it creates a hostile workplace for an employee or the employee has to put up with the misconduct to keep her job.

Bullying, discrimination and violence often are categorized as workplace harassment. Therefore, harassment victims suffer the same emotional, physical and social effects as the other forms of workplace abuse.

OSHA recommends that workplaces adopt zero-tolerance policies for violence and have enforcement procedures in place to protect employees. The agency suggests that employers set up workplace violence prevention programs and systems that allow workers to report violent activities.

The EEOC recommends zero-tolerance policies for violence, bullying, discrimination and harassment. The commission enforces laws covering workplace abuse.

This article was not written by Basictech. Source:

Top 10 Things Entrepreneurs Realize for Success

There are many facets to entrepreneurial success, and internal thought processes play a huge role.

Funny thing about the human mind; it operates on cause and effect. One thing can relate to or be the cause of another. Successful business is the same. Aligning your business with your mind will spell success.

Top 10 Things Entrepreneurs Realize for Success

# 10) Pride

Staying humble is a great asset to entrepreneurs. As business people and entrepreneurs, we need to recognize our strengths, weaknesses, faults, and attributes in order to be successful.

As some would put it “know your limitations”, but more importantly know your strengths.

Pride can be a huge source of failure. We must learn to trust in others and realize that many other people have great qualities we can utilize. Entrepreneurs struggle with this; we tend to be perfectionists and only we can do the job to our standards.

Arrogance can kill any business. Nobody likes the guy that knows it all. He is always the smartest in the room, craves all the attention, and is just plain annoying. You know the guy I am talking about. He has the best house, finest car, most beautiful women, and all the money. No one can top him in anything. Don’t be “that guy”, most likely it is all show anyway.

#9) Emotions

Creating a product or service out of emotion instead of research is a perfect recipe for failure. If there is no market, there is no business. Just because we love or need something, does not mean everyone loves or needs it. We must have a passion for the business, but we also must be realistic.

We must be in touch with our customer base. People like to feel important. In order to make customers feel important, a personal relationship with the customer is essential. Examples of this would be greeting the customers, sending greeting cards and loyalty rewards.

Having the ability to say “no” to friends and family can be difficult. I am sure you have heard it said, “never hire friends and family”. If you want to maintain a relationship with your friends and family, do not hire them. Do not let them guilt you into giving them a job. Giving can be an asset, but it must be for the right reasons and carefully thought out.

Entrepreneurs keep their emotions out of the business.

#8) Attitude

A positive attitude is contagious, it will reflect upon customers and employees alike. The same goes for a negative attitude.

We all have good and bad days; think about this scenario for a moment. Wake up in the morning only to realize you’re out of coffee; so you get dressed and head out to discover you have a flat tire. You call the local mechanic to come and change the tire, but he is busy. Now you have to get dirty and sweaty, or wait an hour for the mechanic. Making it to the office late, you missed a call from an important client that cancelled his order. It’ 9:30 am and the day has already started out on a less than positive note. How would you deal with this situation?

This could be a great opportunity to regroup and reflect while relieving some stress at the gym. Afterwards, treat that client to lunch and talk over his account. Turn what started out to be a bad day into a great day. Sure beats throwing things around the office and having employees cowering under their desks.

Entrepreneurs know the importance of attitudes

#7) Focus

Focus is something that we all struggle with from time to time. We love our business, but there are aspects of the business that we just dread doing. Staying organized and focused on the task at hand can prove to be a challenge at times.

This is when we are faced with distraction and procrastination. It is often too easy to put off until later what needs to be done now. It seems there is always something that comes up needing our immediate attention. This is our subconscious mind protecting us from that painful task that we dread so much. Entrepreneurs know not give in to this temptation.

Entrepreneurs have minds that are always racing. We are constantly coming up with new ideas and solutions. The list can get quite long. Choosing which idea to focus on and see through can be a problem.

Most entrepreneurs have organizers for this reason. Staying organized and focused is key to success in any business.

# 6) Realistic Expectations

This is a problem for people just starting out in business. We start our business journey with high hopes, dreams and expectations.

We have this awesome idea in our head.” This is going to be fantastic; everyone will love us and we will be so stinking rich”. We start out on this fantastic journey only to be disappointed. Nobody loves us and we are deeply in debt.

Buying into the hype is something that people fall victim to all the time. I will not name the industry, but it takes a special kind of person to be successful in it. Things are often sold using psychological tactics like limited availability (scarcity). Many people are sadly disappointed when they realize they have bought into something that is not for them.

Entrepreneurs know the value of research and are always on the lookout for “too good to be true” offers. We must be realistic in our endeavors.

# 5) Acceptance

Entrepreneurs are human just like everyone else, we do experience failure. Failure is a learning experience to an entrepreneur. We accept our failure and learn from it.

Accepting the change that comes with trial and error is important. Entrepreneurs realize that their business may take a whole different direction than originally planned.

Most of us have financial limitations; learning to accept them is a key element in financial success. We must know what our return on investment should be verses what it is. Not being able to control our spending can be a huge pitfall. We must create a budget and stick to it.

It is often hard for an entrepreneur to admit he does not know it all, much less cannot do it all. Learning to accept this fact and employ the right people for the job often takes humbleness and humility.

# 4) Realization

Common myths among people that do not own their own business are quickly eliminated once they venture out on their own.

You are your own boss; that is not true, everyone answers to someone. This could be investors, board of directors, government, or the customer. Quickly realizing that we now have several “bosses” instead of just one is something to be “accepted”.

More freedom to spend time with the family, take a vacation or just play golf. Entrepreneurs are on the job every waking hour. We might not be physically at the office, but we are constantly working. We come up with new ideas, solve problems and look for new opportunity.

Financial freedom is another misconception. Most entrepreneurs struggle financially at some point. We often go long periods of time without seeing any profit. The ability to accept that and look towards the future is a special quality. Being able to live outside the comfort zone and security of a regular paycheck takes a special kind of person.

Realization of any one of these factors can cause a person to give up. Entrepreneurs realize this from the onset.

# 3) Personality Traits

Personality traits play a big role in success or failure. Choosing the wrong business for our personality can spell disaster.

Shy or introverted people would do well to choose something that does not include a lot of public interaction. Working behind the scenes may be a better fit. There are a lot of successful business people that are not in the public eye.

Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur, and not everyone understands this. Entrepreneurship is not something that can be learned. Business can be learned, but entrepreneurship takes a special type of personality. Time and time again people think that because they bought into a business or have a great “idea” for a product or service they can open a business. The above mentioned reasons are only part of this problem.

As entrepreneurs, we do not need to be good at everything or know it all. The most important thing is learning to use your strong suits in combination with those of others.

Entrepreneurs score high on the conscientiousness level of the Big 5 Personality Traits, but not to discount the other traits one might possess.

# 2) Beliefs

We must be aware of the things that we truly believe. Napoleon Hill quoted “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve”.

Without getting into the theories of developmental psychology (and there are many), I will try to explain the concept of this theory. From the time we are born we begin to learn things from our environments (people around us) not all of them are good. Here are some examples; “money is the root of all evil”, or “money cannot buy happiness”.

As adults trying to make a better life for ourselves, we realize that in order to do this we need to make money. The more money we make, the better our lives will be.

About now, I am sure some are saying; “money cannot make our lives better”. Sorry, but that is the subconscious mind speaking from something that was learned long ago. Most do not realize it.

The theories of “self help” do work, but applying those theories is seldom taught. The key is repetition and replacing those self defeating thoughts with positive thoughts.

Entrepreneurs know the value of self talk.

# 1) Fear

Fear is the number one cause for business success or failure. Yes, it can be a force for success. What drives us to get up in the morning and go to work? Fear of loss, or fear of lack. We know that if we do not get up and go to work we will not make any money. We will then lose our house, car, security, and even relationships.

Fear can be debilitating, it can cause us to avoid things and situations that can lead to our success. Example; a person that is afraid of flying must board an airplane to get to a very important meeting on time.

Maybe it is a fear of success. A person can be subconsciously sabotaging their success because they fear the responsibility that comes with it.

Fear of failure, some will not take the necessary risks for success for fear of failure.

Fear of change; people subconsciously do not like change. They cannot get out of their comfort zone no matter how uncomfortable they are in that place.

Entrepreneurs know that in order to achieve the desired success they must take risks and do things they are not comfortable with.

Randy Baith, Author of Basictech Information Services LLC

5 Tips for Landing Consulting Deals

There are 5 Tips for Landing Consulting Deals that I would like to discuss.

There are several reasons why consultants lose deals that they should have won, I am just going to go over just a few in this article.

  1. Consultants lose contracts because they either didn’t listen, or they didn’t speak effectively.
  2. You must provide value to your services. Consultants need to convey what services they could offer that would help the client reach their goals.
  3. What can you do for that customer? You have about 5 seconds to gain the ear of a potential client when you first interact with them.
  4. What solutions do you have to offer. Coming up with at least one feasible idea on the spot helps build confidence.
  5. Make an offer they cannot refuse. Do not worry about making bank on the first deal.

How to Sell Consulting Services

Every consultant feels that if there is anything that they do well, it’s talking the talk. Effective speaking is more of an art than a science. If you can’t effectively convey how your services are going to help the client, you wont get the contract.

Reflect Before You React

It’s human nature to say the first thing that comes to our mind when we’re asked a question. Take a moment to think of what answer is best for the client. Be prepared for questions in the meeting. I know that’s basic, but one must consider the person they are talking with.

It will show that you put thought into your work and don’t just plow ahead. Your clients will appreciate that. Your best reaction is not always your first reaction.

Keep It Simple Superstar

Just because you know the ins and outs of your business doesn’t mean that your client will. Speak to them on their level, not yours. Keep the conversation simple and get straight to the point.

If your client understands what you can do for them, they are more likely to hire you. If you try and dazzle them with industry speak, you’ll lose them, and lose the contract.

You may find that if you are speaking to a perspective client on the phone, stand up. For many people, standing makes them get straight to the point.

Let the Client Talk

If you want to learn how to best position yourself, find out exactly what the client wants and ask questions to home in on what their needs are. By asking questions, you gain a better understanding of how you can help the client, and the client feels that they are part of the solution. This gives you a chance to reflect on what you can offer your prospective client.

A Little Enthusiasm Goes A Long Way

Your client feels passionate about what they do, and if you show that you are passionate and enthusiastic about providing them the solution they want, you’ll get the client on board. Enthusiasm will open many doors for you.

Lets Get Personal

It takes experience and a watchful eye, however, if you show your client that they are more than just another client, and that you care about their portfolio you will gain trust.

If you treat all clients the same way, you will find your schedule empty of projects. Remember that clients say things for a reason, they know what they want.

A potential client tells you that they cannot talk  because they are getting ready for Bobby’s birthday party, you might do well to show intrest, just remember not to hold them up.

On your follow up call, ask them casually how the party went. By casually asking about the party you are showing concern and pay attention to his/her’s values.

This will also give you a lead into the conversion. Never start talking about the proposal right away unless initiated by the potential client.

Remember that you need to sell to the client’s needs, not your skills. Master this and you will have a long career as a consultant.

Article written by Randy Baith Basictech Information

Basictech Website Optimization Services

Below is a list of Basictech Website Optimization Services we offer here at Basictech Information Services LLC. This goes beyond SEO, and can increase your page rank.Basictech Website Optimization Services

We will work closely with you to resolve issues, and maximize your business potential at an extremely affordable rate using a little known or often ignored technique to boost online presence.

The whole world is now literally in the palms of your hands, so why not capitalize on this opportunity to capture more customers?

Build a Website or Blog

In today’s business world, it is not enough to just have a website or blog. When people search for products or services, they go directly to the internet. Is your business being found?

I know it may be a little hard to believe, but there are still plenty of businesses that do not have a website or blog. Also, some may have a website, but it is not up to date and is just sitting in cyberspace never to be found.

The reason any website gets drowned in the sea of internet searches is lack of content. You must keep your website up to date by updating and adding new content.

Why is Your Website Not Being Found?

There are several factors that come into play when it comes to getting found on the internet, much less getting to page one.

We hear a lot talk about SEO (search engine optimization) but there is a lot more to it, and the implications can have a great effect on your business in positive or negative ways.

Here are just a few things that can help, or hurt your web presence.

  • Domain and domain age
  • Regular updates
  • Backlinks and broken links
  • Page loading time
  • Quality relevant content posted regularly
  • Social media
  • Business listings

These are just a few factors that Basictech Website Optimization Services can help you with having a good internet presence and attracting customers.

Basictech can perform an audit on your website according to Google standards. We also have a software program that can search your site for errors. Errors can have a dramatically negative effect on your website search ability.

Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

I am listing that one question first because of the extreme importance of having a website that is compatible with mobile devices.

This is pretty obvious given the fact that almost everyone has a mobile phone with internet access in their possession.

If your website or blog is not easily accessible, or easily read on a mobile device, then you are missing out on potential customers.

Why is Website Content Important?

Whenever someone searches for anything on the internet, they are looking for useful information, so website content is extremely important.

There are 2 main reasons for this:

  1. If a person goes to your website and is able to read valuable information on the resolution of their problem, then they will stay on your site longer. This tells Google that you have relevant content, and will in turn increase your page rankings.
  2. Good quality relevant content also builds trust. As business people, we know that building trust is top priority in getting and retaining customers or clients.

Bad grammar, spelling, and poor content can hurt your business. How can anyone be expected to trust that you are an expert in your field if your content is loaded with grammar and/or spelling errors?

Poor content is also a factor. We all know how frustrating it is to search the internet for information and waist valuable time sorting through all the generic articles with poor grammar and limited information leading to a bunch of sales crap, or trying to get your email address so they can spam you later.

Reputation Management

It is a known fact that people are more likely to write a complaint than a good review. It is basic psychology based on emotions. When people are happy with a product or service they will tell friends and family, but if they are unhappy, or feel cheated in any way, they want to scream it from the rooftops.

As business people, we know that there are some people that you just cannot please. Then there are those that are just trying to get something for nothing, and they will go to great lengths to get it.

Competition is also a threat. There are a lot of competitors that pay people (outsourcers) to write bad reviews on the competition. As a trained Investigator, I can identify and deal with these unscrupulous competitors.

Bad reviews and posted complaints can hurt your business significantly. We at Basictech know how to deal with this and can have your reputation restored in a short amount of time.

Is Your Website Monetized?

Website monetization is generating income through advertising of other products or services on your website.

There are many ways to monetize your website, and anyone that has a website or blog needs to have it monetized. If you are not monetizing your website, you are leaving money on the table.

This is something that can be discussed in you initial free consultation and website review.

Basictech Website Optimization Services can increase your bottom line with some very cost effective methods to land you more customers. Call us today for your free consultation (614)636-2184, or use the form below.

Article by Randy Baith founder Basictech Information Services 2010

5 Ways New Business Owners Can Improve Customer Engagement

The success of your new business depends on your ability to create lasting customer relationships. Once you have attracted and engaged with potential clients, you need to give them a reason to come back. Obviously, offering high-quality products is a critical component of maintaining customer engagement. But how you treat your clients is just as important. Here are some of the best customer engagement strategies new business owners can use to build lasting relationships with their clientele in line with Basictech’s Business Optimization Services.

  1. Keep Lines of Communication Open
    Communication is crucial to maintaining customer engagement. Be sure you make information about your company and services readily available. Update your website regularly, keep your marketing campaigns timely, and use newsletters to stay in touch with clients. Be prompt, courteous, and clear when responding to customers. And remember: Communication is a two-way street. Periodically use surveys and polls to collect customer feedback, and let your clients know that you take their requests and concerns seriously.
  2. Utilize technology
    The internet and other technologies open up new avenues for customer engagement. Use social media to develop a following and increase awareness both of your brand and of what you have to offer. You can also use social media to improve customer service since it provides you with an array of options for direct and personal communication. Another way you can tap into tech to build customer relationships is to make use of apps, both to stay in touch with clients and collect data for marketing, delivery, and retention.
  3. Offer Incentives
    Make it worthwhile for customers to choose you over your competitors by offering discounts and exclusive offers. A great way to do this is by creating loyalty programs, which reward customers for their continued patronage. Customers tend to develop brand loyalty over time, so capitalize on this tendency by building relationships that benefit them while also leading to higher sales for you. Some other ways you can incentivize customer return include freebies, advance offers, and reward point programs
  4. Prioritize convenience
    In today’s fast-paced and high-stress society, customers gravitate towards companies that are easy to deal with. This can be as simple as seeking a storefront with more accessible parking or shopping at a website where fewer clicks are required. If dealing with your business is a lengthy and complicated process, customers may opt not to seek you out again — even if your products are excellent and your service top-notch. The easier you can make things for your customers, the more likely they are to become regulars.
  5. Make Time in Your Schedule for Your Clients
    Interacting with customers is an important part of your work as a business owner and should not be saved for the last minute or rushed through. One way you can make more time for your clients is by outsourcing some of your duties, especially those that are more repetitive and have less to do with brand creation. Another way is by minimizing paperwork. Try to do as much online as possible. Forming your business as an LLC (limited liability company) can help reduce paperwork (not to mention, your personal liability), so contact a formation service to see what you need to do to register as an LLC in your state. Remember that it’s easier and cheaper to rely on returning customers than it is to have to lure in new ones through expensive marketing campaigns. Developing good customer relationships means working for the long-term and can also give you the satisfaction of knowing you are contributing to the well-being of others and of your community.
    Are you a new business owner interested in increasing your entrepreneurship skills to optimize customer satisfaction? Schedule a consultation with Basictech Information Services.

Article by Chelsie Lamb (Basictech supports new and upcoming Authors)

5 High End Career Skills

5 High End Career Skills You Need for Success

In the video below, Dan Lok explains the 5 High End Career Skills that one needs in order to secure high paying clients.

Below the video is the comment I posted.

I have all 5 of these high end career skills, including formal education and experience in these skills. My problem is finding the clients, especially the ones that are willing to pay the money. I have been doing this a long time, yet struggle.

If a company has not already hired a “firm”, I hear things like, “my wife takes care of that”, or some other relative they cannot get off their couch.

In today’s world, everyone is a marketer. Just because they took some on line course, or got involved with an internet based company, they are experts.

I am not saying they are no good, only that they have driven the prices one can charge way down.

Then there are the outsources. You know, the content mills that crank out articles for pennies, and sites like Fivver where people will do anything for 5 bucks. These places can be useful to consultants, just be prepared to get involved because you get what you pay for.

5 High End Career Skills and Sub-Skills

Along with these 5 high end career skills come subskills.

Quality content writing, and SEO Services are important sub-skills. You can hire the work out, but you must know what you are paying for.

Here’s the thing; we must market ourselves, and advertising is key. The trouble for me has been finding the clients that are willing to pay an amount that makes it worth my time, let alone anything extra to pay for advertising so I can get more clients.

I have reverted to the old fashioned way of door knocking. It is very effective, but extremely time consuming. I am old school (53), and cell phones are a huge pain in the ass. Deal breakers in any business meeting with a busy person, however, busy people are the ones that can and will pay you.

Basictech Business Services

Here at Basictech Information Services LLC we offer a wide variety of business and consulting with affordable business solutions.

If you are struggling with the 5 high end career skills and sub-skills, we do give free consultations. Just ask in comments below.

Be sure to sign up with your best information so I can reach you and schedule a consultation. Don’t worry, we will not spam you, nor sell your information.

Article by Randy Baith at Basictech Information Services LLC

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  • 3 Months Bank Statements
  • One Page Application/Bad or Poor Credit OK

Need Capital Fast?

Turned Down by Your Bank?

Mom and Pop Merchant Solutions makes getting the funds you need easy and hassle free.

Use the money for anything you wish.

  • Expansion
  • Investment Capital
  • Advertising
  • Bill or Tax Payments

No need to give us an explanation, if you take a vacation.

Get started NOW!

Receive your money in 5-7 business days.

Text your email address to: (614) 636-2184

MPMS is represented by Randy Baith: Owner of Basictech Information Services LLC, Col. Oh.

Want to know more? Click here, or submit your comment/question below.

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